XML sitemap

XML sitemap: a guide helping search engines navigate a website.


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What is an xml sitemap

An XML sitemap is a document that helps search engines understand the structure of a website while they are crawling it. It lists the URLs (pages) of a site in a structured manner, which allows you to include additional information about each URL such as:
- When it was last updated.
- How often it changes.
- How important it is in relation to other URLs in the site.

A XML Sitemap helps search engines to more intelligently crawl your site. While having an XML sitemap doesn't guarantee that all the items in your sitemap will be crawled and indexed, it can certainly help especially if you have a large website or one that has a complex structure, or if you have new content that isn't yet linked to from other places on the web.

XML sitemaps are a part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) toolkit because they provide search engines with important clues about what to crawl, how often to crawl, and which pages are most important. This can help increase the visibility of your site in search engine results pages (SERPs).

XML sitemaps should not be confused with HTML sitemaps, which are designed for human visitors to help them navigate through a website. XML sitemaps, on the other hand, are intended for search engine crawlers.

Google, Bing, and other search engines support the use of XML sitemaps, which can be submitted directly via their respective webmaster tools.

what are the benefits of using an XML sitemap

The use of an XML sitemap comes with several key benefits

How can I make a sitemap

You can make your XML Sitemap with our online sitemap generator.
We've designed the platform with a clean, intuitive interface that makes generating a sitemap as easy as a few clicks. Our tool swiftly crawls your website and generates a comprehensive XML sitemap, saving you valuable time and resources

On the online sitemap generator page, you'll see a field to enter your website URL. Make sure to enter the complete URL, including 'http://www.' or 'https://www.'. Click on the "Generate Sitemap" button. Our tool will start crawling your website and create a structured XML sitemap. This process might take a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of your website.
Once the sitemap is ready, you'll be able to download it directly from our platform.


OnlineSitemapGenerator.com, a product brought to you by Digital Up. With our commitment to supporting businesses in their digital journey, this tool simplifies the process of creating an XML sitemap, making it a breeze even for those who are not tech-savvy.

In this increasingly digital world, a well-structured XML sitemap is more than just a nice-to-have. It´s an essential part of your SEO toolkit, ensuring that search engines can easily find and index your pages. With OnlineSitemapGenerator.com, we´ve made the process easier than ever.